30th Jul 2024 12:29:51 PM

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The Cost of Fires
Solar Lights Projects
Electrical Safety
Joe Slovo Camp
CBBC Report
Water Tank Project
Joe Slovo Protocol
Community Work
Fire Brigades
Lydia Manzana
Helping Others
Miss Cyprus SA
Children of Fire PROTOCOL: Joe Slovo Squatter Camp, Coronation/Crosby, Johannesburg

It is hereby agreed that following discussions held during the period 10th to 13th May between Bronwen Jones, representing "Children of Fire", Collen Mudau, representing Joe Slovo Squatter Camp and Brian O'Dell, representing the town of Wivenhoe in Essex, UK, that Brian O'Dell shall use his best endeavours to:

1. Provide a building sufficient in size to be able to be used for a Community Centre (to include facilities for use as a crèche and library) and a building of sufficient size to be used as a clinic and a short-term hospice.

2. Shall continue further to expand ideas and establish guidelines that could enable the shacks in Joe Slovo Camp to be replaced by new housing of a type suitable for easy erection and permanent establishment.

3. That the parties hereto and their advisors shall try to establish a pilot scheme for suitable new housing at Joe Slovo Squatter Camp, which would enable that housing to be mainly manufactured in South Africa and which will fall in line with South African Government regulations, both budgetary and regulatory.

4. And that the parties shall use their best endeavours to employ and train residents from Joe Slovo Squatter Camp for as many aspect of the above projects as possible, the employees being selected in consultation with Children of Fire.


Bronwen Jones

Collen Mudau

Brian O'Dell

Photo attachments took by my wife, Desiré Hinze, from the Tswane Technicon. It is the day that we went to the Joe Slovo Squater Camp.











































This material is Copyright © The Dorah Mokoena Charitable Trust and/or Children of Fire , 1998-2024.
Distribution or re-transmission of this material, excluding the Schools' Guide, is expressly forbidden without prior permission of the Trust.
For further information, email firechildren@icon.co.za