30th Jul 2024 12:24:38 PM

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Children of Fire Wivenhoe Gifts for Joe Slovo Residents

The people of Joe Slovo squatter camp had the happiest Valentine's Day in 2002 as TV soap star "Parsons" from Isidingo came to kiss the girls and give the children presents.

All the presents were very kindly sent by the community of Wivenhoe, Essex, United Kingdom. This is the second consecutive year that churchgoers and children in Wivenhoe have reached out the hand of friendship to the children in Joe Slovo camp.
Worlds apart in many ways, both new and previously-loved toys were given to children who have almost nothing to call their own. Dolls and trucks, colouring-in books and puzzles. Despite a downpour meaning all the presents had to be popped into plastic bags, the children could hardly stop smiling and popping on face paints to add to the sense of celebration.
Little Rossen Makoloko, age 8, says: "Kea le boa" (thank you in Sotho) "to Wivenhoe children for my froggie scribble and beads". Monique Coetzee, aged 3, says: "Dankie for my doll". All the children had stickers on their heads or T-shirts to avoid any children not resident in the community from being brought in by unscrupulous adults from neighbouring areas to try to claim gifts as well. Remaining presents will be taken to burned children in hospital.
Some of the Slovo kids in their new uniforms, thanks to Miracles and Wivenhoe's children

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